Hi. I'm Tim Chu.

I'm a full stack software engineer with past
experience in biomedical engineering and research.

Feel free to poke around, and feel even more free
to reach out to me if you have questions or
just want to have a conversation.

About Me

Formal Education

I graduated from Stony Brook University's accelerated B.E. / M.S. program in biomedical engineering. While there, I researched osteoporosis therapies.

Previous Work

As part of the cell isolation laboratory at BioIVT, I harvested white blood cells from blood & tissue samples for research, academic, & pharmaceutical institutions.

Coding Education

Fullstack Academy's full-time software engineering immersive program: learned a ton of information, built a few projects, and met a group of amazing people.


I play the piano, guitar, and cello. Spotify is one of my most-used apps; I try to listen to everything. Hit me with your music recommendations!


I have a collection of budget-friendly watches - there's a lot of bang for your buck at the lower end of the spectrum. Always ready to talk / learn more.

Other Interests

Movies, fitness, drawing, fashion, writing, & learning - from cancer biology to manual transmissions to social issues - ever curious.


Secondary Isolation Calculator

Utility Web App

In BioIVT's cell isolation laboratory, secondary isolations (using immunomagnetic separation) are utilized to harvest white blood cell subsets. The preparatory calculations and note-taking are normally done with pen & paper. This web app streamlines this process, reducing human error and saving time.

Built in JavaScript using React, Express, Node.js, and MongoDB / Mongoose.

Designed for desktop / laptop.
Note that only laboratory members have access to the full functionality of the app.


Social Media Hybrid App

Ever find yourself in a new city with no idea what to do? Or maybe you're out with friends, and no one planned anything past the first stop. Bean gives you the ability to follow curated tours created by other users, as well as the power to design and publish your own tours.

Built in TypeScript using Ionic React / Capacitor, Firebase / Firestore, and Google & Yelp APIs.

Best viewed on mobile. For viewing in Chrome:
  ① Click the "Live" button
  ② Open Chrome DevTools (Mac: ⌘ + ⌥ + i) (Windows: Ctrl + Shift + i)
  ③ Toggle device toolbar (Mac: ⌘ + ⇧ + m) (Windows: Ctrl + Shift + m)

Reading Glasses

Text Recognition Mobile App

You grab something off the shelf at the grocery. You flip it over and glance at the ingredients... Wait, what's sodium benzoate? And how do I even pronounce azodicarbonamide? With Reading Glasses, you can scan the ingredients list and get a detailed summary of potentially hazardous additives.

Built in JavaScript using React Native / Expo and Google Vision & E-Additive APIs.

Requires Expo client. Download links available on click-through.


Front End

React, Redux, React Native / Expo, Ionic React / Capacitor, HTML, CSS

Back End

Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, Firebase / Firestore (NoSQL), MongoDB / Mongoose, Sequelize, SQL, Passport.js


Git / GitHub, Heroku, Webpack, Babel, Postico, Postman, Mocha / Chai, Jasmine, npm, Visual Studio Code


JavaScript, TypeScript
